Taking a Leap

Everyone was happy to leave the realm of lines behind.  They had learned a lot about composition and design principles. Their grasp of vocabulary and also use of media had improved.  Of course I am showing you exemplary works, however, even the learning disabled students had made great progress.

Shape is sexy.  There is so much more to see and experience.  It is visually far more enticing.  We began by thinking about rectilinear and biomorphic shapes.  Students were asked to create designs inspired by something that they could see in their world.

Can you guess what the inspiration for this one is?  A stalk of brussel sprouts.

Here we see a very balanced apple tree.

More about shape after the weekend! 

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  1. one can feel the relief;) I know this relief so well, from the restrictive side of geometrical design, and I think it's like yin and yang, we need to know and experience both, generous shape and restrictive lines...

  2. Dualism is always a part of design. Mindfulness is the part that needs to be in place in order to learn. Too much stimulation from too many choices makes the design process difficult...not easy!

    So many of the thousands of works produced by Paul Klee were as a result of design exercises. Of course, he was the teacher, but it is fun to work through the confines of an exercise no matter where you are in your career.


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